Identify Project Changes and Compare Cause & Effects of Your Projects With Project Comparison

Project Comparison allows you to compare project plans in detail and identify where they differ, what the variations are and what caused them.

It’s virtually impossible to track the cause and effect in project plans, especially when managing large complex plans with thousands of tasks.  One change may have had a major impact across the project.  Project Comparison solves this problem by allowing you to compare and analyze projects with ease.

Project Comparison Benefits:


  • Easily compare two project plans in forensic detail
  • Identify the cause and effects in your project plans
  • Provide accurate and detailed analysis for contractual disputes
  • Establish where you are against the original plan
  • Compare adapted projects against the baseline to see why variances are occurring
  • Understand where and why changes happen
  • Project Comparison is of particular benefit in matters of delay and disruption that have resulted in a contractual dispute. It gives you the ability to analyze projects in such forensic detail and present the evidence in clear readable reports, to help present your case.

Even seemingly simple project plans can evolve into more complicated projects as you adapt and manage the project plan to meet changing circumstances. Having the right tools to easily and quickly assess where you are against your original plan can save you hours of man-hours.

The system will compare a large number of task changes as well as enabling you to set the scope for analysis, choosing to compare part or all of the plans. The results are then delivered in a series of high quality reports which includes detailed information on the variations between the two project plans. Reports can be printed, viewed via HTM/HTML, or exported to TXT and XML for custom reporting.

Project Comparison integrates with Asta Powerproject and will easily compare projects planned in Asta Powerproject, as well as Microsoft Project and Primavera.


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